Arti Lirik Lagu Pretty Brown Eyes | Cody Simpson

Pretty Brown Eyes - Cody Simpson | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat

Go to sleep, wake up
Beranjak tidur, bangun

Look pretty with no make- up
Terlihat anggun tanpa make up

I like this right here...
Aku suka di sini

Go to sleep, wake up
Beranjak tidur, bangun

Look pretty with no make- up
Terlihat anggun tanpa make up

This girl she came round the corner
Gadis ini, beliau datang

Looking like a model
Tampak ibarat model

Magazine figure
Sosok majalah

She was shaped like a bottle
Bentuk tubuhnya ibarat botol

Long straight hair
Rambutnya lurus panjang

She was fly as a bird
Dia anggun ibarat burung

First time ever
Pertama kalinya

I was lost for words
Aku kehilangan kata-kata

Felt so right
Merasa begitu benar

Just couldn't be wrong
Tak mungkin salah

Love at first sight
Cinta pada pandangan pertama

If that exists at all
Andai memang itu ada

I couldn't move
Aku tak dapat bergerak

Felt like I was stuck
Rasanya ibarat terpaku

And then baby girl looked up
Dan kemudian gadis anggun itu menatapku

And I said
Dan kukatakan

Hey there pretty brown eyes
Hai gadis bermata coklat

Whatcha doing later tonight?
Apa yang kamu lakukan sesudah ini?

Would you mind if I spend a minute with you?
Maukah kamu kalau kuhabiskan semenit bersamamu?

Go to sleep, wake up
Beranjak tidur, bangun

Look pretty with no make- up
Tampak anggun tanpa make up

This girl she was a little hottie
Gadis ini, beliau sungguh seksi

She knows she's got it
Dia tahu begitulah dirinya

Came from the city so she loves to party
Berasal dari kota, jadi beliau suka pesta

The JT song make her move that body
Lagu JT membuatnya gerakkan tubuh

She's dancing all night long
Dia berdansa sepanjang malam

I could tell that she was a wild one
Dia itu gadis yang liar

That's why I was shy at first
Karena itulah saya aib pada mulanya

But I finally worked up the nerve
Tapi akibatnya kuberanikan diri

Back to III

Spend a little bit
Habiskan sedikit

A little bit of time with you
Sedikit waktu bersamamu

Hey hey little pretty brown eyes
Hai gadis bermata coklat

Don'tcha ever be looking at them other guys
Pernahkah kamu melihat cowok-cowok itu

'Cause ain't never had no surfer like me
Karena mereka takkan menderita sepertiku

Start swimming over here and ride my wave
Mulailah berenang di sini dan naikilah ombakku

'Cause I see that you party like there's no tomorrow
Karena kulihat kamu berpesta ibarat tak ada hari esok

Let's leave the party
Mari tinggalkan pesta

I'll grab my guitar
Kan kuambil gitarku

I got the keys
Aku punya kunci

So jump in my car
Naiklah ke mobilku

Sit back, relax

Australia's kinda far
Australia sangat jauh

Back to III
Back to VI

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